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Compliance-Documentation and Bullet-Proofing Your Practice - FREE ACCESS

This 40 minute conversation is with one of the nation's leading health care defense lawyers and gives an in depth perspective on the following topics: 1. Why doctors get audited 2. The necessity and legal requirements for a written office policy manual for your practice. He renders statistics and information on the true (staggering) costs of being sued by employees and the prevalence of these cases. I was not aware of the large percentage of offices having legal issues with their staffs and the simple steps to avoid any. 3. Documentation requirements; issues and pitfalls with insurers regarding your paperwork and what they look for in an audit of your records 4. Utilizing a compliance review company to bullet-proof your practice from predatory carriers and yourself. Work towards that "Get out of jail free pass." This was perhaps the most revealing conversation I have had in years and you, too, will find it so. In fact, you must listen to this and share it with everyone in the profession.

Get an Office Policy Template NOW - Click Here

Get a Compliance Audit NOW - Click Here


The Secret for a Huge PI Practice - FREE ACCESS

Quite simply...advertising and marketing are a failed paradigm. If it worked, everyone would have a huge PI practice...However, very few do...Why?

Narrative Reports - The Rookie Mistake - FREE ACCESS

Every new practitioner, who I affectionately call "The Rookie," usually makes the same mistake when creating narratives for the lawyer. Unfortunately, many do not correct that mistake as the years in practice pass. Here's the solution.