Our 17th Spine Symposium
Where Your Clinical Excellence & Marketing Collide
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California*: I am getting referals from neurosurgeons, PCP's and lawyers from 2 states, and bought a large lake house because I needed a tax shelter.
Michigan*: 3 months of prep, then 59 New PI Cases in 5 weeks that have persisted for over a year
Georgia*: I went from 7 New PIs a year to 7-8 per week and it took 4 months of prep.
1. ADVANCED ACCELERATOR: Results from a six-month investigation with lawyers, medical doctors, and corporate medicine reveal how they are acquiring 200 new cases per week—without any advertising or marketing firms. A guaranteed, foolproof strategy for getting lawyers to bypass MD specialists.
2. Two-Year Investigative Report on Corporate Practices: What you must do to compete with "Big Money." Ignore this at your peril. THEY WANT ALL OF YOUR REFERRALS
3. 1,496% Increase in Settlements with Herniations - 980% Increase in Settlements with Herniation - 2695% increase in verdicts. The numbers are going up. Why, and a 100% pathway for getting lawyers to "forever" bypass MDs as the first referral.
1. Finding Incidental Tumors on Spinal MRI2. Spine- Brain CAT Scan
3. MRI - Herniation - Bulge - Protruded - Extruded Discs
4. 20-Ways to Age-Date Discs and Pathology
5. Spinal Biomechanics & Chiropractic - NEW RESEARCH
1. How to Colorize MRIs & Pain to Ensure Referrals From Lawyers
2. Choosing the Best (limit)2 DXs per Spinal Region
3. The 1-Minute Compliant SOAP NOTE
4. Demonstrative Reporting of Every Symptom
5. The BEST Way to Avoid Audits & Lawsuits
LIVE Online
$299 - 15 CE Credits - 7 CV Citations
Approved for CE in every state that allows online CE
CA (based on the new board rules, too expensive for us) HI
Online Not Allowed (Wake up, this is 2024):
Texas*: I only average 70 new PI cases a month because I turn away over 23 every month. this has lasted for 3 years
Tennessee*: The "Accelerator Programs" you teach now gets me referral from lawyers and MDs... Easily
Florida*: Because of your programs, I can now retire financially, and I am only 49. Getting smarter with a plan was the only reason
This is the program that answers the questions:
1. Why don't I get more referrals?
2. Why am I having reimbursement issues?
3. How does chiropractic work?
4. How can I prevent an audit or a lawsuit?
Where Clinical Excellence and Marketing Combine
Question: Dr. Mark Studin 631-786-4253
15 Hours That will Change Your Career
* The states have been changed and names omitted to protect the identity of doctors from defense lawyers