Make your Competition Irrelevant
Although we are the “best” at personal injury, the Personal Injury and Primary Spine Care Program has expanded to help you get every type of case. Our doctors average 15 new PI cases per month, but get many other types of cases beyond that. Our doctors also make more money purely on their clinical excellence.
What is the Personal Injury & Primary Spine Care Program?
The Personal Injury & Primary Spine Care Program focuses on your clinical excellence to get lawyers, medical specialists and medical primary care providers to run after you because you are the solution to THEIR practices.
For almost 40 years, Dr. Mark Studin and his team has gotten lawyers, medical primary care providers, medical specialists, emergency rooms, hospitals and urgent care centers to consider the “right chiropractor” as their best solution to manage their spine cases. With our doctors of chiropractic managing their cases, the lawyers are prevailing at as higher rate, the MD’s are lowering their opioid prescription rate and the injured are getting back to work quicker.
As a result, lawyers nationally are bypassing the medical specialists, medical specialists are bypassing physical therapists and medical primary care providers are bypassing the medical specialists and choosing our team of trained chiropractic experts to be the first-line referrals for both the injured and their spinal related cases.
We teach you how to make your competition irrelevant!
INCLUDED 1500+ individual educational written, audio, visual and media modules INCLUDED... Play-by-Play digital manual INCLUDED... FREE Online Referenced Educational Library UNLIMITED… telephone and email consulting and technical support. UNLIMITED… daily insurance and profession updates
This program has already been responsible for 820,000+ referrals to the chiropractic profession in 47 states with that number growing daily. The program has been extremely successful on an individual office basis, whether in a large city or a rural town. Although we say proudly this is the most successful personal injury program in the nation, we have expanded our platform to include numerous referral sources for all types of cases.
This program succeeds unlike any other in the industry because it focuses on you making your competition irrelevant. We work to ensure that you look as good on paper as you are in the treatment room and have the credentials in an admissible format to back it up. This is not a “one-size-fits-all” or a “get rich quick scheme.” Each office gets a personalized “Business Strategy” based upon your goals, and where you are in practice as everyone starts at a different place. No two doctors are alike, and a constant level of communication is available to help guide you through the process.
This program is not for every DC, it is only for those who aspire to the “best of the best through clinical excellence.” It is not about changing your chiropractic technique or philosophy. It is about managing your cases in a collaborative environment (based upon clinical necessity), where the referrals come to you first, and you decide what happens next. It is about not losing a case to a physical therapist, who provides inferior spine care based upon the literature and not having your patients become addicted to opiates because they won’t need them while under your care. This program gives you the literature-based evidence to satisfy even the most skeptical about considering chiropractic as the first referral option for the spine, and your credentials will ensure that your local competition becomes irrelevant. That is Primary Spine Care, and we will train you to become the first referral option for lawyers, medical specialists, medical primary care providers, and emergency rooms because you are their solutions.
The secret to the longevity of this program and why doctors rarely drop out (although our agreement says you can leave at any time for any reason) is because the program changes every week. Dr. Studin consults doctors in 47 states, has lectured to over 250,000 plaintiffs and defense (insurance company) lawyers, bench bars (judges) and claim’s adjusters in 33 states. He also consults for large and small medical groups, private and university hospitals and individual medical practices. It is through the daily interactions and integrating all of the above that enables him and his team to determine future trends in the chiropractic and personal injury genre`s. This allows the team to keep our doctors prepared 6-8 months in advance and is the cornerstone of why our doctors make more money.
This program is unparalleled in the industry and will teach you how to make your competition irrelevant because no one else has access to that level of information. Our entire program is presented on our home-page for you to see the categories of consulting.
- 1,500 individual educational written, audio, visual and media modules
- UNLIMITED telephone and email consulting
- Unlimited technical support
- Clinical support including MRI reviews
- Documentation support
- Team treatment support
- Lawyer communication
- Colossus to the Courtroom Support
What is the "Colossus to the Courtroom" component of our program?
The "Colossus to the Courtroom" Program is also included in your monthly fee. Robust Colossus training is included with the understanding that Colossus is essential, yet a tiny piece of the equation and centers on involving all relevant parts of the history and clinical findings of your patient. More importantly, we will spend a considerable amount of time on compliance and ensuring that you have a documentation system that is efficient and does not interfere with either patient care or family time. After 10 years, we have developed what we consider to be the best system to employ. Also, our documentation system offers internal oversight to ensure that you do not miss critical elements that you have billed for.